Traineeships: A new way to get on your career ladder!

Traineeships are designed to give young people the confidence to take that first step in kickstarting their career and become work ready.

The Traineeship programme is a full-time vocational education and training initiative delivered in Northern Ireland’s six regional Further Education colleges.

Traineeships are available to all school leavers and adults not yet working, who aspire to work in a specific occupational area. Blended with structured work-based learning, the Traineeship programme allows you to achieve a Level 2 qualification, and progress to a Level 3 Apprenticeship.

Elements of a Traineeship:

  • a main knowledge based qualification in the chosen occupational area
  • vocational skills development
  • transversal and digital skills
  • work placement
  • lead to a Traineeship certificate plus qualifications equivalent to five GCSEs including Maths and English Grades A* to C
  • additional qualifications deemed necessary for work within a sector for example Health and Safety, CSR and manual handling

Check out the Traineeship Level 2 qualifications at the two regional colleges in the Causeway Coast and Glens area

North West Regional College
North West Regional College
Northern Regional College
Northern Regional College

Do I get paid to complete a Traineeship?

Unlike apprenticeships, Traineeship participants do not earn a wage when at college and in work placement. If you are aged 16 to 19 years, you may be eligible for Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) which currently pays £30 per week. While, if you are over 19 you can apply for a Further Education Grant here . Details of other support funding can be found here.

How long does a Traineeship last?

The majority of Traineeships typically take up to two years to complete on a full-time basis, with a one year fast track option. Remember you can progress onto a Level 3 Apprenticeship from a Level 2 Traineeship!

For more information about Traineeships visit the NIDirect Website here

Employers, can you provide a work placement for a trainee?

Employers interested in supporting a trainee through the work-based learning element of the Traineeship can contact their local Further Education College’s training unit direct. Details below. Alternatively, check out NIDirect’s Employer Guide to Traineeships or download the Employer Guide here.

North West Regional College

Annette O’Doherty
Tel: 02871 276498

Northern Regional College

Sean McAleese
Tel: 07554118467 or 028 25664266