It's your time to shine!

With over 150 apprenticeships options available to help you achieve your career ambitions.

Apprenticeships can offer your business an effective way to grow talent and develop a highly motivated, loyal, skilled and qualified workforce.

Across the Causeway Coast and Glens we have lots of training providers who offer a diverse selection of qualifications for all apprenticeship levels. From accountancy to agriculture, healthcare and hospitality, you can choose from over 150 apprenticeships to help you achieve your career ambitions.

Click the links in the "In this section" menu on this page to find out more!

You can also search NI Direct to find out who delivers the different apprenticeship frameworks in your area.

Search Apprenticeship Training Providers.

Investing in success!

Success Stories from Apprentices
Megan Johnston
Higher Level Apprentice Accountancy
Moore NI
Corin Kyte
Limavady Turkish Barber Emporium