Employer FAQ's

What’s the age limit for apprenticeships?

No, apprentices must be aged 16 and over and there is no upper limit to becoming an apprentice.

Can I use apprenticeships to train existing staff?

Yes, apprenticeships are excellent training pathway to upskill and reskill current employees, and achieve nationally recognised qualifications.

Does my apprentice have to work full-time?

No, however apprentices must work a minimum of 21 hours per week.

Is there a limit to the number of apprentices I can employ?

No, employers can hire as many apprentices as they can support.

What employment contracts do apprentices need?

All apprentices must have an employment contract which is long enough for them to complete their apprenticeship programme.

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Success Stories from Employers
Colin Kirkpatrick
CT Sports
Albert Clyde
Riding for the Disabled Association