What funding is available for apprenticeships?

Employers will get funding for the ‘off-the-job’ training element of the apprenticeship. This is provided by the Department for the Economy (DfE).

Funding for ApprenticeshipsNI Level 2 & 3

For apprentices aged 16-24, the full costs of the 'off-the-job' training element of the apprenticeship are funded by the Department for the Economy (DfE).

*For those aged 25+ the DfE provides 50% of the costs in priority occupational sectors.

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Funding for HLAs  

The Department for the Economy (DfE) will pay full training provider costs for the 'off-the-job' training, however the employer should pay the apprentice for the contracted hours including the day that they are training.

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Success Stories from Employers
Donna Friel
Little Treasures Day Nursery
Colin Kirkpatrick
CT Sports